Friday, April 8, 2011

Open to NEW possibilities...I am!

Feature in the paper...two completed tracks...50+ songs...Facebook Music page...those are the new things that have happened since the last time I wrote. Now for the old...stage fright, long distances, selfishness and unrequited love. Wait, what does long distance, selfishness and unrequited love have to do with my music? You'd be surprised at just how much they factor into songwriting, especially mine. Think about someone who writes in a journal - they could go on and on for pages and pages about those simple things. For me, they come out in 4-minute music compositions. So, thank you to all those who have contributed!

But seriously, my stage fright has entered a new "stage." This new stage of stage fright has made the possibility of performing more realistic to me. Yes, I said it. Performing. Live. For all of you...who want to see what happens when a musician chokes. Jokes! I can tell you how I know things have changed - the idea of taking the stage always made me shiver. The shivering I am experiencing now is less with fright and more with excitement. So I guess we can safely say I may have switched over from Stage Fright to Stage Excitement. Of course, I say that now - who knows what will happen when I actually get up there. But I am starting to become more and more comfortable sharing my music with the world and have even begun to look around at where I'd like to perform first - what type of setting, crowd, etc. My producer, Derek, and I have been talking about it and he has given me some advice. He has also told me that he will be behind me 100% on that stage - literally. As I've mentioned before, Derek likes to "push my buttons" and has made me stand outside of my comfort zone on more than one occasion. However, more importantly, he steadies me and that is the best part of working with him. It gives me the confidence I (sometimes) lack when it comes to playing my music for others. So as soon as things are cemented and I am ready to take the stage, you will be the first to know. Well, as long as you're following me. Thanks to Facebook, Myspace, Twitter - this isn't such a complicated thing these days. So stay tuned.

To back up a little bit, I have completed two songs in the studio (this will make eight completed tracks). In my opinion these two songs may be my favorite - lyrically and melodically. They are completely different from each other. "Hear Me Out" tells of my faltering faith coupled with a light, fun, rocking feel to it. I like the contradiction of it all - it made recording the song that much more fun. Most recently completed, "Untold Story" brings forward the darkest message of all of my songs so far. So dark that my sanity may actually need to be questioned. More importantly, though, these two songs show that there is much more going on underneath the surface of Arlanna Snow than meets the eye. Wink, wink. ;) It was a blast making them and I experienced different ways of recording vocals and sound effects, to name a few. It also gave me the opportunity to, once again, work with BJ Knights. Phenomenal, as always.

So - to wrap up - I just want you all to know that I continue to work hard at making music and, if possible, I have more love and passion for it than I did when I started. We belong together, music and me. Corny but true. Thanks to all of you for being a part of it - I will forever welcome your thoughts and criticisms. Okay, rock on ;)
